The summer is over but it will never be over.
The freezer is de-frosted. The floor vacuumed, suitcases packed, and the last beer now a memory. In a few hours 40 Hogarth will be empty again, with its flats full of Mizzou kids on the way to the airport, then back to the place they called home before they knew life here.
My parents arrived yesterday (Friday), so I won’t be making the journey back with everyone but a part of me is going anyway. Our time spent in this dodgy flat has been an experience all on its own. We’ve bonded over erratic water temperature, a tiny refrigerator, the odd cockroach, the not-odd-enough moths (face-timers), and awkward encounters with the cleaning lady whose most recent interest is yelling at us for misplaced “rubb-ige” (she means rubbish, or trash). That’s not to mention the latest development, which I will wait to discuss until I hear more…don’t want to start any vicous blog rumors. No matter what the strange situation, we have survived and I like to think thrived. So as the luggage goes thumping down the stairs and my friends—new and old—prepare to leave I will explore London for a few more days and think of them and the wonderful experiences we have shared. And for of my flatmates who are reading this and need a good laugh after a long plane ride, here’s a mental picture for you…imagine Pam leaning out to the window to bid our friend William the pigeon farewell: ”Go away…Grr!!” Oh Hogarth, I will miss you. In 24 days I will be home. Not Hogarth home, but real life home…not this strange and once in a lifetime reality I’ve been living. I don’t know how that happened. I do know that 24 days ago was June 27th. I was in Spain having an absolutely wonderful time after a tough but also wonderful 5 days in Missouri. Saturday marked one month since my grandpa’s death and I have felt him with me every day since then. Sitting on the train after a night and morning on the Southern coast of Wales, I thought of him and smiled, knowing for sure that I was exactly where he would want me to be. Going to bed so I can wake up at 415 a.m. I have to be at CNBC at 6 tomorrow and it takes a little less than an hour to get there. It's been kind of a rough week at my internship but today was great and I think tomorrow will be too. They are really short staffed lately, thanks to budget cuts (big surprise), so I've been doing the teleprompter for about 3 or 4 hours a day. It's awful. I don't mind doing it because I know they need help, but it just gets hard to be upbeat when I'm so tired. The frustrating part for me is feeling like I'm sacrificing other incredible experiences (exploring Hyde Park at sunset or exploring new kinds of beer at Kingshead) so I can be a little less exhausted at a job that leaves something to be desired. Hi Everyone! Just wanted to say hi because I don't think I've even been on the site for about a week. I did not actually forget about it, I just haven't had time or made time or found time...blah blah blah. My body is confused. I’ve switched home addresses and time zones and weather patterns and wardrobes…again. When I walked off the plane in Chicago the wall of humidity was the first wakeup call reminding me that I was far from London. If that wasn’t enough, the Cardinals t-shirts, floral capri pants and Soffee/tank top combos in St. Louis definitely left no room for confusion. Gotta love the Midwest. I’m all packed up and ready to head back to Missouri when the cab picks me up for Heathrow in a few hours. It’s ten till 3 (in the morning) here and my flight leaves at 8 a.m. Another week has passed without a blog entry! I don’t know where the time goes. I just re-read my last post and it seems almost annoyingly happy, which is a good thing, I guess. Today I’m not feeling quite as euphoric, but once again I’m enjoying the quiet of the common room, even with the now-soothing tube rumbling by outside. 40 Hogarth is quiet. This almost never happens, so I can’t pass up the chance to blog a bit until my flatmates get home, the Tube strike ends, or I get too sleepy…and one or all of those things are going to happen within the hour. Once the girls start trickling in I will be too excited hear stories about Mr. Inkpen, obscure errands and realizations that in 12 short months we won’t just be pretending to be in the real world. As for the Tube, it will start up again in about 45 minutes and it is conveniently located 20 yards from our window, which shakes every time the train speeds by. If neither of those things happen, I will probably just fall asleep as I type since I’ve woke up at 5 and haven’t slept much this week. Is Blogger’s Block a real thing? I think I have it. I’ve tried several times now and I just can’t manage to get going on a blog entry about my weekend in Paris and my first few days of work at CNBC. And tomorrow it will be a week since my last entry! This time I’m doing it no matter what. Here goes… |
e.rauAspiring multimedia journalist trying to learn it all! Follow me on Twitter: @emilyrau Archives
September 2009
Categories![]() Here's a pic of my flatmates and me! We are having a blast so far...follow my blog for all the funny stories about them!