Pick a little, Blog a little, Pick a little, Blog a little...
I like to share my experiences. That's why I explore social media tools like Twitter and Facebook and StumbleUpon and more. I also blog. Check out the drop-down menu for more on a few of the things I care about.
1. Culture Correspondent: Here I write about my life as a journalist. What it means to be part of a changing, uncertain industry, and how it feels to be pursuing my passion.
2. London: I lived in London for 3 months last summer. Between British Life and Culture class and work at CNBC-London, I traveled around Europe and made some great discoveries along the way.
3. GoGreen573: This is a project I've been working on with a few other journalists. We highlight what people are doing in the 573 (Mid-Missouri) area to go green and live more sustainable lives.
Thanks for reading. I would love to know what you think. Feel free to comment on any or all of the entries!